Time for this week's Favorite Facebook photos! You may see a few of these throughout the week, but be sure to check back every Friday to see if there were any you may have missed. Feel free to post photos to our wall – even if we can't share them on our page, we may be able to showcase them here on our website! And of course, keep up with our Facebook page here!
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Byron Robinson
Mountain morning Sunburst! :) B and D Photography
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Fultz Fotos
Here's another shot of sunset at West Virginia's Beauty Mountain in the New River Gorge. My good friend Bryan Janosick and I showed up late to this show after mulling around the upper waterfalls of Marr Branch close to sunset. We made a hurried b-line and we were expecting a show because as we crossed the New River Gorge Bridge the light was looking sweet. But as we made the 15 minute rush trip to the overlook parking it was becoming apparent that things weren't going to be what we had hoped. This is another one of those, "Oh, what can it hurt" shots as I had no hope of it turning out, but I was wrong. After just recently looking at this image for the first time I found I really liked the pastel light in the sky and the greens and blues in the gorge below. Beauty Mountain indeed!Thinking about a print? Feel free to look around on my Facebook page or visit www.fultzfotos.com. If interested don't hesitate to contact me at slakejustice@yahoo.com or Facemail me through my photography page.Want to learn more about Kentucky waterfalls? Go to www.kywaterfalls.com and check it out!© 2016 William H Fultz II. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for stopping by and having a look! Sharing is both appreciated and encouraged. Please do not download or use this image for personal use in any way with out the permission of William H Fultz II.
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Gary Frazier
Reflection of Mabry Mill in the pond. Cropped, flipped and rotated to show just the reflection.
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Jeff Burcher Photography
An Unexpected Gift...After shooting the Milky Way deep into the night in southeast Ohio on Friday evening, I headed down to the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia the following morning. My main objective for the West Virginia trip was shooting the Milky Way on Spruce Knob, the highest peak in the state. My attempt on Saturday night was a bust due to cloud cover, but I caught some spectacular cloud action just before sunset that made the drive up the mountain more than worthwhile. I decided to try again on Sunday evening, but the forecast was sketchy at best. I set up my shot just after sunset, and waited on top of the observation tower for darkness to set in. Just as it was getting nice and dark, two young gentlemen walked up the trail and climbed the tower to stargaze for awhile. After a half hour or so, they walked back down from the tower. I stopped them before they had a chance to leave and asked them if they would take a minute or two to help me out with a shot I had in mind. They kindly obliged, so I set one of them up on the second floor with his headlamp on and asked the other to stand off to my left facing the tower with his head lamp on as well. I shot a 15 second exposure and 5 seconds into the shot I had them turn off their lamps. I really like how it turned out. I never could have pulled this shot off without their help. After seeing the resulting image on my camera's monitor they volunteered to hang around and help me with more shots, which I would've taken them up on if it hadn't been for the increasing cloud cover, which completely obscured the starlit sky shortly there after. Please feel free to share and if you wish, give my page a "Like" as well. Also, please remember that Facebook shows my posts to less than 10 percent of the people who actually took the time to "Like" my page, so don't forget to turn on the "Get Notifications" option if you want to continue to see my posts on your newsfeed as I post them. If you don't, my posts will eventually disappear from your newsfeed. As always, thanks for taking the time to check out my work....it's much appreciated!
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Jhew Photography
Overlook at the southern end of the parkway heading north toward Devil's Courthouse.
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Jim Bishop Photography
Three shot panoramic from the courthouse parking lot.Devil's Courthouse is a mountain in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina. Located at milepost 422.4 of the Blue Ridge Parkway.Folk tales say that the devil holds court in the chambers of the cave.
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Michael Kline
A distant storm on the horizon. From the Sunset Field overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. — at Sunset Field BRP.
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Riding the Back Roads with Bonita
A North Carolina Blue Ridge mountain sunsetAlleghany county, NC.My website, www.ridingthebackroads.com
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Samuel Taylor Photography
Good Tuesday Morning!Had a pretty awesome weekend - birthday party at the house is always a good excuse to get the fam and friends together. Tied that into a day at the river, and that's the making of a solid August weekend.Today's image from a recent trip to the Canaan Valley region. We have had a stretch of incredible summer weather, and some fantastic sunsets as part of that the last few weeks. This was a full "drive up" shot, taken after an evening hike in Canaan Valley, on the way back to camp along the upper Blackwater River.Have some cool things coming together for later in the fall - check out our pinned post for some teasers on that. :)Sunset Upper Blackwater River - West Virginia(C)2016 Samuel Taylor Photography, All Rights ReservedLike What You See? Check Out Our Instagram @samueltaylorphoto!
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Susan Murphy
On top of Grandfather Mountain 8-28-2016
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In case you'd like to check out other shots by a few of these professional photographers, we've listed their Facebook pages below. Click the links and be sure to give them a "Like" to see all the gorgeous images they show off!
Which one's your favorite this week?
Gary Frazier
Michael Kline
Riding the Back Roads with Bonita
Susan Murphy
(Please note: Facebook pages could not be located for the unlinked contributors above. If you are a contributor and have a FACEBOOK PAGE we've missed, please email us so we can add it. Thank you!)