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Kurt's Hikes: June 1, 2013
A girl and her dog along the Appalachian Trail.
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Kurt's Hikes: June 1, 2013
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Kurt's Hikes: June 1, 2013
A girl and her dog along the Appalachian Trail.
We started this easy hike under a clear, comfortable sky, headed south in hopes of crossing any last thru hikers on their way north from Georgia.
And during the hour's walk to the shelter, we crossed Walking Stick (the name coming from his vine-around-limb hiking stick). He said there was a big group about a day ahead of him, and a few people behind him.
At the shelter, we pondered whether or not to use its empty table for lunch, and risk feeling like we were hogging things if a thruer might walk in and need it for more serious purposes than ours. Our decision was made easier by a shower, which took us into the shelter and also extended our stay.
Just as the shower was letting up, in strode another thru-hiker, who lamented the inevitable end of the light rain just as he concludes his rush to the shelter.
We headed on out and saw no other hikers, other than at least a half dozen little orange newts, out for a walk after the rain. The way back to Black Horse Gap was, like the walk in, without a drop.
Appalachian Trail from Black Horse Gap on Blue Ridge Parkway (MP 97.7) to Wilson Creek Shelter and back. 5 miles.
How to get there: Small parking area at BRP mile 97.7.