The story below is an excerpt from our Sept./Oct. 2014 issue. For the rest of this story and more like it subscribe today, view our digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!

The general sentiment from our readers is that it’s not nice to ruin Mother Nature, and to keep messages to a few signs and natural spaces.
Our thanks to all who responded to last issue’s From the Editor (“How to Stop Graffiti on the Trail?”) and to our request for possible catch phrases to perhaps stick in people’s heads a la “Leave no Trace.” And it’s our pleasure to present those ideas.
From Hans Brings, Maryland:
Respect the Trail: It’s not yours alone.
Respect the Trail: It’s not all about you.
These phrases could be combined with a sign depicting a can of spray paint with an X over it.
From Larry Copp, Chucky, Tennessee:
Leave Only Memories!
From Robert Hansen:
Fools’ Names and Fools’ Marks
Should Never Appear
in Public Parks
From Mike Chism:
Hope this gives you a chuckle. There are several ways to spin this idea; and all of them will make most people think, do I really need to do this?
Cavemen wrote on rocks! Do you also drag your chick by the hair?
From Gina Kristjanson, Salem, Virginia:
Project PURE:
Preserve: U R Everybody.
I think by inviting all to the preservation of our landscapes, this message comes off as non-threatening. I’m a Canadian living in this beautiful country and want to see nature’s bounty undisturbed.