Tri-Wizard Tournament
Green Hill Park 2501 Parkside Dr. , Salem, Virginia 24153
On November 3, 2012 from 10AM-5PM step into Green Hill Park (2501 Parkside Dr.) and into the fictional world of Harry Potter and participate in Roanoke County’s Tri-Wizard Tournament!
Participate as an individual or family and get sorted into one of the four houses of Hogwarts. Find out if you’re a Slytherin or a truly courageous Gryffindor and at the end of the day be sure to see how your participation affected the community at large and see who has the most House Points!
The Tri-Wizard Tournament will consist of 3 challenges, all of which allow you to win house points. Play the Snitch Scavenger Hunt and search for the golden snitches strewn around Green Hill Park. Are you a true Harry Potter trivia guru? Take the O.W.L Exams which are broken down by knowledge base as the Muggle Studies, OWL’s or the highly prestigious NEWTs. Lastly try your hand at Potions and use Professor Snape’s supplies to correctly layer your potion and win points for your house.
We will also have life-sized Wizard’s Chess, or you can come dressed as your favorite muggle, professor or wizard and participate in our Look-A-Like contest! Learn how to play Quidditch during a special Quidditch instruction hour or create a House Tie.
Want to see the Marauder’s Map come to life? All you have to do is Check-In using Foursquare and register which activity you are competing in at Green Hill Park. Wizards and muggles alike will see their location dot reflected on a special Marauder’s Map held at the Entrance Tent to the Park.
For more information about this exciting event, call the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Live, Learn and Play Line at (540) 387-6455 or visit