The Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival
Court Square Theatre 41F Court Square, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801
Wild and Scenic On Tour brings together a selection of short films that tell a story about our planet, our beautiful and precious wildlands, and the people of the communities who love and defend them. They open our eyes and hearts to fantastic experiences in remarkable places. They beckon us towards action, highlight issues, and provide solutions.
The Harrisonburg show will feature Dying Green. Set in the foothills of the Appalachians, this film explores one man’s vision of using green burials to conserve land. The efforts of small town physician Dr. Billy Campbell have radically changed our understanding of burials in the United States. Dr. Campbell’s dream is to conserve one million acres of land.
Other films that will be shown on the evening include: "Return to the Tepuis", "Reynaldo", "Field Spotlight: Monique Pool", "Fall Run", "Am Red", "Stories of TRUST: Calling for Climate Recovery – TRUST Montana", "Paramos: Water for Life", and "Ryan’s Stories".
Tickets are available online at Wild Virginia's website or at Friendly City Co-Op.