59th Annual Roan Mountain Spring Naturalists Rally
Roan Mountain State Park 527 Hwy 143, Roan Mountain, Tennessee 37687
We are excited about the activities we have to offer
for this 59th Annual Roan Mountain Spring
Naturalists Rally. Continuing the tradition of the 58
preceding rallies, we offer a great assortment of
programs, hikes and activities which celebrate the
unique beauty and natural diversity of this
environmental treasure that is Roan Mountain. This
event is open to nature enthusiasts of all skill levels
from casual interest to advanced study. There is
something for everyone. Bring your friends and
family and invite your neighbors!
The headquarters and hub of activities for the rally
is the Conference Center at Roan Mountain State
Park. Registration, meals, programs, and exhibits
will be centered there. Most of the field trips will
meet at the field adjacent to the cabin area entrance.
You will see signs in the field for the various field
trips. Onsite registration is available at the field. For
most of the field trips you will carpool from the
field to nearby trailheads. We strongly encourage
carpooling. Dont be shy! You will make new
friends and save fossil fuel emissions.