Megan Hicks as Teller-In-Residence at International Storytelling Center
International Storytelling Center 116 West Main Street, Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659
Megan Hicks has a way with words. Add her warm sense of humor and deep respect for anybody who is now or ever was a kid, and you’ve got an award-winning performer who captivates audiences of all ages and walks of life.
Storytelling has taken her from sea to shining sea, from Australia and Argentina to China, from juvenile detention centers to the FBI Academy. Hicks’ honors include a Parents’ Choice Silver and Storytelling World awards.
“Megan Hicks … was everything we want in a teller and more. Her stories lure you in and spiral up into your brain and keep you engaged.” – MyLinda Butterworth, Florida Storytelling Association
Matinee Performances
Time: 2 p.m. daily, Tues-Saturday
Cost: $12 for adults
$11 for seniors, students, and children under 18 years of age