Free Parkway Trolley
Downtown Parkway Parkway, Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738
The free specially painted open-air shuttles will operate from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. daily June 13 through August 17. Extra stops have been established along the special route to bring the number to 40 along Parkway.
Approximately 800,000 patrons use Gatlinburg’s Trolleys annually, making it the fifth-largest Mass Transit System in the state. It originated in 1980 with only six Trolleys, but the fleet has grown to 20-plus Trolleys servicing approximately 50 miles of Trolley routes.
All Gatlinburg Trolleys are handicap accessible.
You can now hop aboard the Gatlinburg Trolleys all day long for just $2 a day with unlimited access to the Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow and Green Trolley routes. The $2 Pass is sold at City Welcome Centers as well as at City Hall and the Mass Transit Center, plus numerous Gatlinburg lodging facilities.
To watch a video about Gatlinburg’s Mass Transit System or view the current location of Trolleys, or for additional information, visit Click on the GPS Trolley locator and a City map will appear pinpointing Trolleys in service. The box color indicates the Trolley route color.