Farm City Day
Jackson Park Hendersonville, North Carolina

Visit Hendersonville NC
Henderson County’s Farm City Day, started in 1955, is a free event, annually scheduled for the first Saturday in October. From 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., approximately 50 acres of Jackson Park becomes a petting zoo, urban, rural, and educational displays, antique and modern farm equipment, and crafters from many generations for this one special day. Farm City Day celebrates our rural traditions and introduces the urban population to agriculture our most important industry. A special youth area will feature many hands-on activities including petting farm animals, oldtimey demonstrations, and a fishing pond. Enjoy many children’s games and stay for a wagon ride through the park. Planned entertainment includes the ‘Local Artist Showcase Stage’ with three local bands performing throughout the day. Food and displays by local non-profit organizations cover two fields. There is no admission charged to enter. Farm City Day is brought to you by Henderson County Cooperative Extension and Henderson County Parks and Recreation.