Adventures in Creative Play
Pipestem Resort State Park 3405 Pipestem Dr, Pipestem, West Virginia 25979
RA Daring Way™ Retreat for Wholehearted Women. Join Barbie Dallmann, Master Integrative Coach, and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator-Candidate, as she leads a group of courageous women on a very special weekend journey of Rest and Re-creation. There will be guided group coaching sessions, creative projects, stimulating conversations, and plenty of free time as well. Activities also include hiking, a photo scavenger hunt, meditative art practices, star gazing, and more.
Weekend workshop begins Friday evening at 6:15p and ends on Sunday at 12:30p. This is a fee based workshop. Preregistration is required. Retreat cost: $295 per person. Overnight accommodation separate.