WALK a MILE – Asheville
Our Voice Presents: Walk- a mile- Asheville.
Walk a Mile Asheville is the people’s march against rape, sexual assault, and gender violence! Rape is commonly seen as a women’s issue despite the fact that it affects countless men. Walk a Mile Asheville is a chance for local men and women to take a stand on the issue by participating in a one mile walk through downtown Asheville. Many of the men will wear high heel shoes – which gives us a chance to take a closer look at gender stereotypes that contribute to a culture where sexual violence is common.
We are encouraging both men and women to walk in the shoes of another. As in years past you will see men in heels of all heights. However, while wearing heels is encouraged, it is certainly not necessary to attend. The key is just to be there! March with us in an effort to stop sexual violence in our community- in whatever shoes you’d like! You will also see women and young people, as well as men, join this march because after all, this is an issue that impacts everyone in our community.