Sick of Stupid Comedy Tour
The Millroom Presents:
Sick of Stupid Comedy Tour
Standup Comics Tom Simmons, Steward Huff, and Clifton Cash have joined forces and are touring six Southern cities as the Sick of Stupid Comedy Tour. Sick of Stupid promises to give audiences an intelligent, comedic look at all things Southern.
With a growing perception of the South as populated exclusively by camo-wearing, gay-hating, Confederate-flag waving, fanatical white people, Sick of Stupid will become the voice of intellectual Southern comedy and become the voice of the new South.
“Some Southerners love Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo and lowering the rear end of their pickup truck. We probably aren’t the voice for them, but we hope we can be the voice for the Southerners who find all this stuff absurd,” said Cliff Cash.
Duck Dynasty, Larry the Cable Guy, and Jeff Foxworthy have their place, but we want to give a voice to smart, progressive Southerners and provide a fresh take on life—politics, culture, and the past, present, and future—in the South as we live it,” said Clifton Cash.