Photos by Seeing Southern
Remember the commercial years back when the little boy and his father were sitting on a mountainside, watching a sunset? Afterwards, the boy turns to his father and says, “Do it again.” It was that spectacular that he wanted to experience that beauty again.
As a traveler, we come across destinations for which we long to return. Time and geography make it impossible sometimes. However, when you discover perfection as we have, and it is within a three hour drive, you take advantage of your good fortune. Aska Lodge Bed and Breakfast is just such a place. Our place to escape, to renew and to celebrate times with our new friends, Janet and Ric.
Above their door is this sign: Enter as strangers, leave as friends. Nailed it. I have a feeling every guest that has spent a night in their home can sing that same melody. There are no strangers who enter their sanctuary on these isolated three acres in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Only friends. Friends will be spoiled and will, in the end, regret leaving.
Meet our friends Janet and Ric and their incredible story which surpasses simply being innkeepers. Ask them about mountains. About scuba diving. About photography. About Crème Brulee. They can answer them all.
Make sure you go to our website to read and see their story. There’s also a link (at the bottom) to four of their favorite recipes, just in time for spring veggies. Plus, if you book a visit with them and mention Seeing Southern, Janet even has a treat for you to take home. That’s Southern Hospitality.
Judy and Len Garrison are at home in Farmington, Georgia, just on the outskirts of Dawg country - better known as Athens. Len, an IT manager for a major Atlanta company, and Judy, an editor, author and travel writer, invite you to travel along with them as they explore the best of the South. Email them at seeingsouthern@gmail.com. Visit their website at Seeing Southern, and follow them on Twitter at @judyhgarrison, @seeing_southern, LIKE them on Facebook and on Instagram.