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Kurt's Hikes: Dec. 8, 2012
Cookie on McAfee Knob, thinking about . . . isn't there any more food?!
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Kurt's Hikes: Dec. 8, 2012
Aww, they got matching shoes!
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Kurt's Hikes: Dec. 8, 2012
Cookie on McAfee Knob, thinking about . . . isn't there any more food?!
On a pretty December day, with the 311 parking lot nearly full, we began this favorite by helping two newcomers, among the many we've seen who can't quite figure out that you've got to cross the highway to get on the northbound Appalachian Trail. Grateful, they took off fast with their new walk.
The Greatest Day Hiker Of Them All, as usual, ran down pretty much anybody else who was a little ahead of us, and we were on the formation in just over an hour an a half. And as usual except in the dead of winter, there were people all over the rocks, from the western viewpoints all the way around to the hazy view toward the airport and downtown Roanoke.
The way back down was made even easier when we opted for the forest road and its wide, flat, easy descent.
Appalachian Trail from Va. 311 to McAfee Knob and back. 7.6 miles.
How to get there: Va. 311 west from Salem to the high point of the road on Catawba Mountain.