Beth Macy
Kurt and Gail Rheinheimer
Rare photographic proof that Kurt and Gail do actually hike together.
Appalachian Trail from U.S. 220 at Daleville south to "Hey" Rock overlook of Carvins Cove and back. About 5.6 miles.
On a beautiful fall day we set out with friends Tom and Beth for this old-favorite ascent to an old-favorite spot looking down on Carvins Cove, south into Roanoke and west at the rest of Tinker Mountain as it turns and heads south.
And a most pleasant ascent it was, with The Day Hiker out front and gently pulling us up the trail, under the giant power wires and along the ridgeline to the spot where the AT pops briefly out of the woods and onto an outcropping.
Arriving at about the same moment we did was a small swarm of flying insects which after they paired in the air above us, lost their ability to fly and fell onto us and the rocks. Their visit lasted only a few moments however, and did not seriously interrupt the yummy chicken-salad sammiches Tom and Beth had prepared for lunch.
Carvins Cove looked blue and only slightly low; the Roanoke airport looked not at all busy; Tinker Mountain looked pretty much still green, with only minor flecks of fall color yet appearing.
The way down, owing to it being down, to pleasant conversation and to the fine fine day around us, was gone in no time.
How to get there: U.S. 220 north from Exit 150 of I-81 and into the park-and-ride lot next to the Exxon station.