Kurt's Hikes: February 2014
Kurt and Gail at Apple Orchard Falls 2/23/14.
Time to catch up on many hikes taken but not recorded, with a hope to get back to weekly posts if I do get caught up.
February 2: Mill Mountain loop on Star, Woodthrush, Ridgeline and Star again trails. About 5 miles. It's always a nice walk on Mill Mountain, especially with a stop at the top.
February 9: Dragon's Tooth, Appalachian and Boy Scout trails to the Tooth and back. 5.1 miles. We found a good spot with no wind on the east side for lunch.
February 13: Hike from home to downtown for dinner. About 5 miles; Februrary 15: Hike from home to Va 419 for dinner. About 6 miles.
February 23: Apple Orchard Falls and back, via FR and Apple Orchard Trail. About 7 miles. The forest road was closed from about a mile out, knocking us out of our usual loop up to the AT and back down Cornelius.