Homemade beaten biscuits w/ country ham is certainly a delicious party snack!We're excited to announce our next contest for Blue Ridge Country Magazine's November/December issue! Since we'll be getting our holiday ideas together for the issue, we want to see your yummy party dishes!
Here's the lowdown: You submit your best savory party dish (we say savory to avoid having to make 15 delicious pumpkin pies. We love 'em, but we want to get creative!). The BRC staff will pick the top 3 tastiest sounding ones, then make those dishes (complete with photos for proof)! We'll bring 'em into the office the next morning and our office will be the judges. They'll know nothing other than your delicious recipe and will vote for their favorite dish.
So how about those prizes, you ask?
1st Prize: $100 Grand Prize and your recipe featured in upcoming issue of BRC
2nd Prize: Set of cookbooks hand-selected by our editors
3rd Prize: Gift subscription to Blue Ridge Country Magazine (if you are already a current subscriber, we will extend it for another year)
The deadline for recipe submissions is Sunday, September 9th. Judging will take place the following week. Winners will be notified of their prizes via email.
Submit your savory party dish recipes, along with your name and phone number, to llong@leisurepublishing.com by 9/9/12 for a chance to win!
For the official rules, please visit our website for more information.