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John Livingston
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Allison Bosco
Devil's Courthouse on Blue Ridge Parkway
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Allison Bosco
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Allison Bosco
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John Livingston
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Allison Bosco
Nantahala Lake
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Jim Davidson
The Blue Ridge Parkway is well-known for its pretty trails and scenery along the drive, but let's face it: the most popular time of year to visit this area is the fall, when the leaves are at their most colorful. Roads and woods alike are covered in swathes of golds, reds, and oranges as the summer leaves us.
We love celebrating the fall when apples are ripe for picking, pumpkins sit on neighborhood stoops, and the crisp air ever so slightly takes our breath away. We wanted to share some pretty fall photos with you since we are gearing up for the big "holiday" - that's right, it's a holiday to us!
Check out our slideshow for just a handful of photos submitted to us from readers-seriously, this is just a small sample of the amazing submissions! We'll be releasing more photos as the season continues and stay tuned when we announce the winner of our Fall Photo Contest in our next issue of Blue Ridge Country magazine!