Paul Calhoun
Floyd Home Fireplace
This glass-enclosed fireplace, at the Floyd, Va. home of David Fason and Diane Jackson, is energy efficient and beautiful.
Once the province of hippies and alternative types, the green-building movement has blossomed in the last five years. A green home uses less energy, water and natural resources; creates less waste and is more healthful for its occupants. More and more, people want to create structures that conserve resources, address the global warming problem and use nontoxic materials.
Now there’s a rigorous environmental rating system and a checklist for going green. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system is the nationally recognized standard for green building. LEED certification recognizes and rewards builders for meeting the highest performance standards, and gives homeowners confidence that their home is durable, healthy and environmentally friendly.
The U.S. Green Building Council began the pilot test of LEED for homes in November 2004. For information or to find participating builders, go online to www.usgbc.org. —SCW
Photo by Paul Calhoun. For related story, click here.