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Thanksgiving Dinner: November is a time to rearrange the furniture at the Lovill House Bed and Breakfast in Boone, N.C. Read more


Since I loved growing up in Abingdon, I’d always wanted to share my hometown area with my new family; our visits, however, never seemed to last long enough. Read more


Maybe it’s no wonder that Bill Blizzard led the largest insurrection on American soil since the Civil War, and the largest labor uprising ever. Read more


If you visit the beautiful Toe River Valley today to look for Childsville, you won’t find it. The town was located in what became Avery County 100 years ago. But the town is not in Avery County. The town is gone. Read more


Winter can be hard on newborn farm stock. And despite painstaking care from owners, some survive, and some don’t. Read more
