Night Sounds
“Night Sounds,” by Frank Gallo, is priced at $18.99; “Bird Songs – 250 North American Birds in Song,” by Les Beletsky, is $45.00. To order, contact Eastern National, 210 Riceville Rd., Asheville, N.C. 28805, 828/299-3507, karens@easternnational.org.
Using clues, sounds, and tabs, “Night Sounds” leads children on a hunt to discover the nocturnal animals hidden in its pages. This book, with fascinating descriptions and fun illustrations, is a great introduction to the nightlife of wildlife and helps children build their reading skills as well as their listening and observation skills.
And for adults, “Bird Songs” details the ecology, behavior and sounds of 250 species of birds found in the United States and Canada – roughly a third of the species in North America. The guide introduces each species with insightful descriptions and illustrations. But the most remarkable aspect of the book is the digital audio player that allows you to hear each bird's call as recorded by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “Bird Songs” is an excellent resource for any birdwatcher.
“Night Sounds,” by Frank Gallo, is priced at $18.99; “Bird Songs – 250 North American Birds in Song,” by Les Beletsky, is $45.00. To order, contact Eastern National, 210 Riceville Rd., Asheville, N.C. 28805, 828/299-3507, karens@easternnational.org.
—Ashley Gilliam
These books were first reviewed for the Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 2007, published by the National Park Service, FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Leisure Publishing.