Let's Volunteer: Historic Gardening Day!
Sky Meadows State Park 11012 Edmonds Lane, Delaplane, Virginia 20144

Virginia State Parks staff/volunteers
Sky Meadows volunteer in action!
Historic Area.
Get your hands dirty this special volunteer day in our historic garden! Our historic kitchen garden is an important tool for both education and fundraising at Sky Meadow's State Park. This year we are redesigning and improving the garden to better allow for more interpretive and environmental activities in the space. Join us as part of April 2024's "Let's Volunteer Days" as we work to prep the garden for a new season! We'll be moving compost and mulch into the garden, as well as removing sod from around the garden, fixing gates and fencing, and removing debris. No experience is needed. Work gloves and tools will be provided. Water, hat, sunscreen, and lunch/snack are encouraged. We need volunteers who are ready for manual labor with an incredible payoff! By the end of the day, you'll witness the complete transformation of the space.
For additional details, please email SKVolunteer@dcr.virginia.gov.
Workday will be held rain or shine. In event of severe weather (heavy rain, lightning, etc.) we will step inside to let weather pass. If absolutely necessary, we will reschedule the event for the following weekend.
Parking fee waived.