Vernal Pool Adventures
Sky Meadows State Park 11012 Edmonds Lane, Delaplane, Virginia 20144

Virginia State Parks staff/volunteers
Vernal Pool Adventures
The appearance of frogs and salamanders is a sure sign of spring. Vernal pools, which are shallow pools of water that dry in the summer heat, provide a place for some very special amphibians to lay their eggs before returning to the land for the remainder of the year. Join a Virginia Master Naturalist on a visit to a vernal pool as we search for signs of these unique species. This guided three-tenths of a mile gentle walk will meet at the Sensory Explorers’ Trail in the picnic area and will last approximately one hour.
Registration is highly encouraged. Register here:
For more information on the Virginia Master Naturalists please visit their website.
The Sensory Explorers' Trail is open for self-guided walks daily for people of all ages and has adaptations for the blind and visually impaired. To learn more about this feature visit our website.
Standard parking or admission fee applies: Yes. $10
Extra fee: No.
Registration required: No.
Children welcome: Yes.
Phone: 540-592-3556
Email Address: