The History of a Fifteenth-Century Swannanoa Cherokee Village
Black Mountain Public Library 105 North Dougherty Street , North Carolina 28711
David Moore
A view of the archaeology site at Warren Wilson.
April 11th: A Fifteenth-Century Swannanoa Valley Cherokee Village: Mississippian Culture at the Warren Wilson Archaeology Site
In his talk about the multiple Pisgah phase (ancestral Cherokee) settlements at the Warren Wilson archaeology site, Dr. Moore will explain what is meant by Mississippian culture and how it relates to Cherokee history. He will describe the origins of the excavations at Warren Wilson in the 1960s and talk about what archaeologists have learned about the local expression of MississIppian culture. He will also briefly describe how the Warren Wilson site is related to other western North Carolina Mississippian and Cherokee sites
Cost: Swannanoa Valley History Cafés are FREE for museum members, but attendees must register for all events. Cafés cost $5.00 for the general public. Some fees apply.