Denton Family Golf Tournament
Lakeview Golf Club 4101 Shen Lake Drive, Roanoke, Virginia 22801

Explore More Discovery Museum
Denton Family Foundation Annual Golf Tournament
Join us on Wednesday, October 2nd, for the 22nd Annual Denton Family Foundation Golf Tournament, at Lakeview Golf Course, where Explore More Discovery Museum is honored to be this year's beneficiary! Golfers will enjoy an 18-hole Captain's Choice tournament including brunch, snacks, beverages, and dinner. Brunch begins at 10am, shotgun start at noon, dinner at 5pm. The best part? You can play all day, knowing you are also providing transformative play experiences for our community's children. Sponsorships available $850-$5,000. Depending on the sponsorship level, you could bring multiple foursomes! Register to golf and/or sponsor online at