Blairsville Sorghum Festival
Meeks Park 490 Meeks Park Road, Blairsville, Georgia 30512

Blairsville Sorghum Festival
Sorghum Syrup
The main event!! Enjoy a biscuit and watch while the syrup is made. Sorghum syrup is made from the green juice of the sorghum plant, which is extracted from the crushed stalks and then heated to steam off the excess water leaving the syrup behind.
Arts & Crafts Vendors
Enjoy a wide variety of handmade arts and crafts vendors. Support local small businesses including jewelry, soaps & lotions, clothing, wood and metal works and many more!
Watch the magic happen. See how things are made, learn about lost arts and even join in the fun and try it yourself.
Games & Activities
Watch and join in some good old mountain past times. Activities will include log sawing, pole climbing, rock throwing, hatchet throwing, and more!