Time for this week's Favorite Facebook photos! You may see a few of these throughout the week, but be sure to check back every Friday to see if there were any you may have missed. Feel free to post photos to our wall – even if we can't share them on our page, we may be able to showcase them here on our website! And of course, keep up with our Facebook page here!
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Landscapes of the Blue Ridge
A peach orchard in bloom with a pretty blue sky is a fantastic spring sighting!
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Sunday Driver Photography
Wilson Creek. Had to hike a little further for this shot - as not to bother the trout fisherman. Not only is this park beautiful but it is fed by the North Carolina hatchery. This weekend was opening weekend. Lots of happy fisherman this Easter day.
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Sallie J. Woodring Photos
Incredible sunrise this morning from the back side of Beech Mtn.
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Naresh B's Photography
Todd, North Carolina (near Boone). I shot this last weekend when driving out from Elk Knob State Park. Some times road sides in the high country has beautiful vistas than we expect. The snow in the foreground gives a feel about the weather here.
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Chris Craig Photography
"Mountain Sunrise"
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J & G Photos
Pre-Dawn Reflections! Although there were no clouds in the sky on this early morning I was still able to get a little color from the pre sunrise with the reflection of the tree in the creek. This was the start off another beautiful morning in the cove. Photo shot 3-30-15 in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Photo from our page https://www.facebook.com/JandGPhotos — with Regina Phillips.
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Nicole McCain-Douglas
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Martha Leftwich
last week in cades cave
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Waterfalls and Back Roads of North Georgia
Middle Brasstown Falls just east of Clayton, GA. A series of 4 falls tumble down through this gorge all in a 1/2 mile hike. www.waywardguide.com
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Jason Clemmons
Sunrise over Brasstown Bald in Blairsville GA! The most beautiful place on Earth!
In case you'd like to check out other shots by a few of these professional photographers, we've listed their Facebook pages below. Click the links and be sure to give them a "Like" to see all the gorgeous images they show off!
Which one's your favorite this week?
Jason Clemmons
Nicole Douglas
Martha Leftwich
Sallie J. Woodring Photography
Waterfalls and Back Roads of North Georgia
(Please note: Facebook pages could not be located for the unlinked contributors above. If you are a contributor and have a FACEBOOK PAGE we've missed, please email us so we can add it. Thank you!)