Time for this week's Favorite Facebook photos! You may see a few of these throughout the week, but be sure to check back every Friday to see if there were any you may have missed. Feel free to post photos to our wall – even if we can't share them on our page, we may be able to showcase them here on our website! And of course, keep up with our Facebook page here!
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Randal Sanger Photography
SunriseSnake RockGreenbrier County, WVSnake Rock is a beautiful and remote outcrop that overlooks the Greenbrier River. Not sure if it is within the property boundaries of the Monongahela National Forest, but if it isn't, it's pretty close. I first became familiar with this spot a couple years ago after a Facebook friend shared an image from here. I sent him a message about it and he was kind enough to share some directions. I had forgotten about it until last year after another Facebook friend shared some beautiful images she captured here.I drove to within a couple miles of Snake Rock last fall, but had to turn around due to time constraints. I finally was able to check it out Sunday morning and was joined by my friend Michael Butts - and I'm glad he offered to drive, because the road was a muddy mess, as was his truck afterwards! We were blessed to witness an amazing sunrise and although I'm sharing this image first, there was a pretty sweet light show that occurred before we actually saw the sun . . . I'll share a few of those in the future. Thanks again, Michael, really appreciate you taking the time to run out there with me!As always, thanks for taking a look! Your visits and comments are very much appreciated. Please share so that others may enjoy the natural beauty of West Virginia and the majesty of God's creation!©Randall Sanger Photography | All Rights Reserved | Please feel free to share this image, it is encouraged and appreciated. Please do not use without my permission.Prints, workshop info, book info and more found on my website: http://www.randallsanger.com/Visit my store on Our-WV.com - the exclusive home to my canvas gallery wraps: www.our-wv.com/store/randallsangerphotography
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Thomas R. Fletcher Photography
"Moon Sliver at Dawn"A thin slice of Moon appears in the warm colors of morning's first light over Big Ditch Lake 3-16-2015.~ West Virginia ~
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Jason Penland Photography
A warm sunset in Western North Carolina tonight.
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J & G Photos
Daffodils at Dawn! On this trip to the cove I decided to leave the gate early (6:00am) and ride my bicycle down to Hyatt lane to find the right spot and get set up early enough to capture the patch of daffodils and the pre dawn colors of the sunrise. It was a very foggy morning and the fog was so thick that I had to get off my bike and push it at times as I could not see my hand in front of me. When I arrived it was still very foggy but I decided to wait it out and see if the fog and clouds would open up and show some early morning dawn color. Finally about 7:30am the fog and clouds opened up for only a minute or so and this is one of the shots I managed to capture. Photo shot 3-15-15 in Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Tony L. Truitt
"Morning Glory"Beautiful sunrise sky this morning!Stopped on the side of the road while driving to work...and shot this picture while standing in a cattle feed trough...dressed in a shirt and tie.One of those "you're crazy" moments
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Solitary Traveler Photography
Last evening I was treated to quite the light show on the Blue Ridge Parkway south of Asheville - over an hour's worth of vivid light rays! Feel free to share, and you can see more at https://www.facebook.com/solitarytravelerphotography. © 2015 Robert Stephens, All Rights Reserved.
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Sallie Woodring
This image of the Charlotte skyline was captured yesterday morning on the Blue Ridge Parkway at mile marker 301. I did not realize I had even seen the skyline much less taken a photo of it until last night when I was looking at my photos. By land, it is 90 miles to Charlotte from this location.
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Suzette Phillips
Beautiful sunrise in Cades Cove Sunday morning.
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Justin Askew
Sunrise this morning in Hendersonville, NC.
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Jason Rinehart
Sharp top MTN, Peaks of Otter tilt-shift.....
In case you'd like to check out other shots by a few of these professional photographers, we've listed their Facebook pages below. Click the links and be sure to give them a "Like" to see all the gorgeous images they show off!
Which one's your favorite this week?
Justin Askew
Thomas R. Fletcher Photography
Tony Truitt
Sallie Woodring (salliejwpics)
(Please note: Facebook pages could not be located for the unlinked contributors above. If you are a contributor and have a Facebook page we've missed, please email us so we can add it. Thank you!)